Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Bob Loblaw

...this guy should meet Buddy's daughter... Nancy Ann...
(AKA why I love Arrested Development)

(Buddy Ciance...)


(or, why I love Arrested Development)

Sunday, April 08, 2007


(found with the amazing 'Stumble' from THIS site originally)

Friday, April 06, 2007

ice storm

amazing shot named 'geneve' and found from THIS site originally...

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Seamless Paintings

THIS site has some beautiful paintings... there is another of ladies walking out of a lake that I loved

almost as much...

Face to Face

This is a very appealing project done by a French group in an attempt to humanize,
and illustrate how much we all have in common, and more specifically, how Israelis and Palestinians share so many similar attributes.

"After a week, we had a conclusion with the same words: these people look the same; they speak almost the same language, like twin brothers raised in different families. A religious covered woman has her twin sister on the other side. A farmer, a taxi driver, a teacher, has his twin brother in front of him. And he his endlessly
fighting with him.It's obvious, but they don't see that.

We must put them face to face. They will realize.

We want that, at last, everyone laughs and thinks when he sees the portrait of the other and his own portrait. The Face2Face project is to make portraits of Palestinians and Israelis doing the same job and to post them face to face, in huge formats, in unavoidable places, on the Israeli and the Palestinian sides."

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Free Hugs

There is something about this video that gets me every time and I end-up in tears...
HERE is the link to his story, and web-site.

I'm such a dog person....

Earth... your choosen planetry vehicle...

Blue Man Group

Monday, April 02, 2007

Mark Jenkins

some great installations to be found HERE


I love THIS

Life in a microscope

THIS site, has a large array and assortment of life, as viewed through a microscope...

World Sunlight Map

THIS great site offers a real time view of the sun's light on the world.

The People's Mario

A look at Buddhism

I was talking yesterday with a good friend about Buddhism, and stumbled today upon this great site which lays it down rather well.
Also, I loved the photo.

Solar System Size Chart

THIS is a visually appealing glimpse at the size of our world

Breathing Earth

This amazing, and somewhat terrifying site, shows in real time the birth rate, death rate, and production of CO2 by the tonne, of every country in the world.

Since I opened it, 100150 people have been born (well... NOW... 10211... and NOW 10294....)

and 4483 people have died,

and 1902000 TONNES of CO2 has been emitted

Hobbit House

"You are looking at pictures
of our family home in Wales.

It was built by myself and my father in law
with help from passers by

and visiting friends. 4 months after starting
we were moved in and cosy.

I estimate 1000-1500 man hours and £3000
put in to this point. Not really so much in house buying terms (roughly
£60/sq m excluding labour)."

Sunday, April 01, 2007
