Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Ain't Nothing Like The Real Thing Baby

"Chinese surgeons have performed the world's first penis transplant on a man whose organ was damaged beyond repair in an accident this year...

Doctors spent 15 hours attaching a 10cm penis to the 44-year-old patient after the parents of a brain-dead man half his age agreed to donate their son's organ.

...The surgical team claims the operation was a success. After 10 days, tests revealed the organ had a rich blood supply and the man was able to urinate normally.

Doctors have previously succeeded in reuniting men with their sexual organs after traumatic accidents or attacks, but the Guangzhou operation is the first in which a donor penis has successfully been attached to another man.

Although the operation was a surgical success, surgeons said they had to remove the penis two weeks later. "Because of a severe psychological problem of the recipient and his wife, the transplanted penis regretfullyhad to be cut off," Dr Hu said. An examination of the organ showed no signs of it being rejected by the body.

Jean-Michel Dubernard, the French surgeon who performed the world's first face transplant on a woman who had been attacked by a dog this year, said psychological factors were a serious issue for many patients receiving certain "allografts", or organs from donors. "Psychological consequences of hand and face allografts show that it is not so easy to use and see permanently a dead person's hands, nor is it easy to look in a mirror to see a dead person's face," he wrote in the journal. "Clearly, in the Chinese case the failure at a very early stage was first psychological. It involved the recipient's wife and raised many questions."

In 2001, surgeons were forced to amputate the world's first transplanted hand from Clint Hallam, a 50-year-old New Zealander, who said he wanted the "hideous and withered" hand removed because he had become "mentally detached" from it." ~ The Guardian Unlimited


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Is the psychological issue related to the issue of necrophilia (looking at a dead persons face or hand is extended to genitalia) --or perhaps the avoidance of necrophilia?
Or is it the issue of the wife being satisfied by another man (regradless that it is from beyond the grave)?

Even if it does involve the wife, a penis is for more than sex. It is a cosmetic thing (think breast replacement following cancer) as well as an organ for urination.

I wonder if the wife demanded it be removed, or if he was the one with the problem.

"So many questions" is right...

One thing is for sure, if I were part of the family of the donor, I'd be totally pissed off (now THAT was a freudian slip! no pun intended).

Blogger The Houseless Wife said...

oddly, it's the very last segment, the one about the "withered and dead hand" that really stays with me... blech


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