Thursday, March 29, 2007

National DAY OF PRAYER?!?

May 3rd
Excellent idea

Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Gambler

...I can remember so well the first time I saw this...
I sobbed...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Scare tactics

this is the meanest most horrible and hilarious thing I have seen in a while...

presenting evil clown Kevin (it's Kevin! it's Kevin! call 911!)

"do you think i'm pretty?"...

"do you need help little man?"....
and hey! wait a minute! isn't that the crazy Baldwin at the beginning of the show?...

...ah what the hell... I have decided to post as many videos as possible to day and cleanse it from my system... i fear this shall not be the last...

Nay Nay....

really... I am TRYING to stop...
Sean, watch this immediately.


Russell Peters
Yay!! I found it babe!! hilarious. I'm in tears... I wish you were here

I'm Galaxia...that's my German name.

sigh... i shall try to drag myself from the vacuum that is YouTube sometime soon, and post something other than video... but this just makes me laugh...

right.... so brace yourself...

Psycho le Cemu - Gekiai Merry Go Round

...I used to have this friend (or so I thought, he turned out to be a real asshole, but eh...) who would love this shit... most of you, i am warning you now, will not.
Move along. I myself, while usually easily bored with "video-game influenced" style music, can't help but like this one... and combined with excellent Cosplay?... it was an obvious choice...

"Mr. Flower" by JO SUNG MO (???)...

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Toyota FT-HS Concept car

And yet another car I find appealing though it also kind of repels me in simultaneous resistance to all cars even REMOTELY 'I-Roc'...
This Toyota sporstcar is a hybrid, but it's focus remains on speed...
I love this view of it...
here's more pics.

Ahhh Cats...

(alright... so it's a dog...)

and finally... I love the title of this last one -
how NOT to take a photo of your cat"


Another nice addition to the growing list of cars I like...
This one more because it is 100 % electric and can go for 250 miles without needing a charge, goes fast and costs the equivalant of about 1 cent a mile to drive!

Well... they are good...

But, hold the kreme...
Hilarious story about some local news station that let a background graphic, seriously, get by them... Click on the pic to enlarge, and you will get the jist...

next up!


Perhaps explaining her sudden desire to eat him?...

painting by DAN KRALL

BERLIN (Reuters):
"A new study by German scientists of spiders' copulation techniques found that males leave part of their sex organ inside their female partner as a sort of 'chastity belt' to deter rivals.

'By breaking off parts of their intromittent organs inside a virgin female, males can reduce sperm competition and thereby increase their paternity success,' the Bonn University researchers wrote in the journal 'Behavioral Ecology.'
After setting the tone by shaking the female's web, the male has only seconds to have sex before the larger female kills him. In over 80 percent of cases, the tip of the male's genital organ breaks off inside the female.
This appears to be the result of a hasty getaway -- but also leaves behind a sort of chastity belt that keeps other males away, the study showed. "

Monday, March 05, 2007

I never get fun stuff in the mail...

Body parts from China intended for a US laboratory have been mistakenly sent to a Michigan home by a delivery firm.

The recipient, in Cascade near Grand Rapids, said her husband opened two packages - one containing a liver, the other a partial human head.

"He started the second one, but stopped as soon as we saw the ear," she told the Grand Rapids Press newspaper.

The delivery company, DHL, said it was not immediately clear what happened but the labels were reportedly in Chinese.

The company says it is co-operating with investigators.

The authorities believe 28 more bubble-wrapped human organs could have been dispersed across the country.

The body parts - which are preserved - were for medical research, police spokesman Roger Parent said.

"There will definitely be a shock to people if they see these things, but there is no hazard to health," he added.

Again from Arbroath, again I am heaving with laughter...

Sunday, March 04, 2007

...btw, he also sells meth...

"As authorities stormed into a middle school office to arrest an alleged meth-dealing principal inside, they found an even more surprising scene inside. Sources said 50-year-old John Acerra, of Allentown, was naked and watching gay pornography when they arrived at Nitschmann Middle School in Bethlehem to arrest him on Tuesday.

Acerra also had sex toys, drugs, cash and a pipe in his school office when authorities stormed his office, the sources added.

He remained jailed on $200,000 bail Thursday night, police said."

I know this is horrible... don't get me wrong...

but the article is so damn funny....

I mean really... hahahaha... read the title out loud again...

thanks to Arbroath...

Once again, Damien Hirst...

via Neatorama

'Stained glass' art created all with butterfly wings...

genius solutions...

..ah Lisz... this made me laugh so hard I couldn't breathe... these are my many favorites...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Thursday, March 01, 2007

starring one of my all time favorite body parts...