Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Perhaps explaining her sudden desire to eat him?...

painting by DAN KRALL

BERLIN (Reuters):
"A new study by German scientists of spiders' copulation techniques found that males leave part of their sex organ inside their female partner as a sort of 'chastity belt' to deter rivals.

'By breaking off parts of their intromittent organs inside a virgin female, males can reduce sperm competition and thereby increase their paternity success,' the Bonn University researchers wrote in the journal 'Behavioral Ecology.'
After setting the tone by shaking the female's web, the male has only seconds to have sex before the larger female kills him. In over 80 percent of cases, the tip of the male's genital organ breaks off inside the female.
This appears to be the result of a hasty getaway -- but also leaves behind a sort of chastity belt that keeps other males away, the study showed. "


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did You Knowwwwww

That leaving behind sperm plugs is not uncommon...and that the design of copulatory organs is thought to be beneficial for the removal of the previous occupants' deposits?

Like a shovel?

Blogger The Houseless Wife said...

why no lisz! I had NO IDEA!!
how both fascinating and revolting!
Thanks for sharing!!

Blogger Sean said...

What a very strange fact to be able to just whip-out!
The possibilities are endless…

“Sure, I’ll help you shovel your snow… and speaking of shovels…”


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