
And so today all is well in my world...
It was gorgeous and clear... I walked long under blue skies and amongst earliest of fall-colored trees...
I crossed two bridges over the same river, one built for trains, the other for feet...
I watched ducks and geese and raced old people in my mind...
I made wild zig-zags, crunching leaves as i went
I got lost, and did not freak out.
I potted plants, and scrubbed floors and danced alone.
I found not one, but TWO kick-ass stainless steel (the small one is even copper-bottomed) frying pans (not a big deal you may think.... but try making a full Sunday brunch with only one pan...) for the outrageous, ridiculous, unheard of price of a COMBINED 75 CENTS!!! AND I had it all with music!...
Yesterday I got this very fun package in the mail from my mom, which included my MP3/voice-recorder-tiny-walk-man thing, so I got to listen to great music and once again turn heads with my terrible and boisterous karaoke-style accompaniments (i truly cringe to think what it sounds like a cappello and naked as they must be hearing it - but of course, not enough to stop...)
And then, pausing my delightful music while stopping in this cutest of houses with a sign on the porch advertising reiki (among other woo-woo services) I re-emerged and was suddenly immersed in a recorded testimonial of grief that had been my life only two years ago, almost to the day...
I came upon at least ten - I do not know for sure as I quickly grew bored of them, and skipped through several upon hearing the first tear-drenched word - recordings of me, talking of my unending sadness and heart break... of my confusion and doubt and relentless devotion...
seriously?... it made me laugh
gheesus christ I can be so unbelievably dramatic.
In the end, it just made me think, once again, how fantastically lucky I am to be where I am, with the guy I'm with.
Life is crazy and painful and so fucking fabulous.
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