Thursday, September 21, 2006

I've talked of this already I know...

...and I know it's last weeks news and all... but it keeps coming-up in conversation, and I didn't know how to do a direct link to video last week... so instead of just editing it I decided to do a whole new entry, as it's THAT good...
One of the few amazing things to come out of America throughout this period of muddled oppression and general embarrassment aka 'The Bush Regime'... is the creation, or popularization, of the political comic. More uniquely, the political comic as news reporter.
I am a person who gets a LOT of my political knowledge from The Daily Show and Bill Maher.
Their voices - brave, strong, and deliciously LOGICAL, in this insanity of disbelief that has prevailed since W's RE-election (because really??? the first time he cheated. [and I hold GORE hugely responsible for THAT sticking but that's a story for another day] the second time... the SECOND time... that's what just blows me the fuck away...)
like salve to my righteous wounds.
They are beacons.

"But I just don't get it. Why, when pointless horror strikes and God smacks us around, we go to church more! It's like we're Tina Turner and God is Ike!

How come, when things go well, it's 'Hallelujah!' But when they go bad, it's still, 'Hallelujah!'? People can endure an endless series of Job-like hardships: their house is shredded by a tornado, their car is in a tree, the family is wiped out... 'But God spared my ceramic lawn deer, thank you, Jesus!'

And we put the blame on ourselves, and say that whatever cruel, random crap happened to us happened because 'God works in mysterious ways...too mysterious for stupid me to understand.'

Well, sorry, but I think a little more of myself and my fellow humans than that. I don't know the answers to the big cosmic questions. No one does. But I do know there's no reason for a cleft lip or a mine collapsing, or all that traffic on the 101.

Mysterious ways? You know what else works in mysterious ways? A microwave. It stays cool but the food gets hot! It's a mystery! Let's worship it. No, let's not. Let's not thank God for His mercy or blame Him when you die from eating bad spinach. On the fifth anniversary of the national day of prayer and remembrance, let's put the blame for September 11th squarely where it belongs: on our new enemy, Iran. The bombing starts three weeks before the mid-terms, God willing. "
~Bill Maher


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