Tuesday, November 14, 2006


"Mr. Owl ate my metal worm."
A Toyota
A car, a man, a maraca.
Bob, level Bob.
Age, irony, Noriega.
Desserts, I stressed!
Do Good's deeds live on? No, Evil's deeds do, O God.
Do not start at rats to nod.
Dumb mud.
Et tu, Butte?
Evil I did dwell, lewd did I live.
Go hang a salami, I'm a lasagna hog.
Go Jews, Allah--oh all!--as we jog.
Go! Desire vagina! Man I gave. Rise, dog.
God: Deified dog.
Golf? No sir, prefer prison-flog.
Harass selfless Sarah!
He did, eh?
I prefer pi.
Oh, no! Don Ho!
Oy! Oy! A tonsil is not a yo-yo!
Pa's a sap.
Raw sexes war.
Step on no pets.
We nap and nap and nap anew.
Wonton? Not now.
Yawn a more Roman way!
Yawn — Madonna fan? No damn way!
"Quid est veritas?" ("What is truth?")

Doctor Reubenstein was shocked and dismayed when he answered the ringing telephone, only to hear a strange, metallic, alien voice say, "Yasec iovn eilacilla temeg! Nartsa raehoty lnoenoh pelet gnig, nirehtde rewsnaehn ehw. Deya! Msid! Dnadek cohssaw nietsne buerro, tcod?

"Are we not drawn onward, we few? Drawn onward to new era?"

and of course...
which leads me to:

"The architecture of the Da Vinci Code really takes place in four main areas-
Paris, Rome, London, Scotland and New York"


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